Custom Rules

Create Custom Rule

Sometimes, you need to add some custom rules to your migration. For example, you have some custom airflow operators base on the existing PostgresOperator and you want to migrate them to dolphinscheduler. The custom operator definition is like this:

# Just create a custom operator base on PostgresOperator, and do nothing except change the connection
# arguments name from ``postgres_conn_id`` to ``my_custom_conn_id``
from airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres import PostgresOperator

class MyCustomOperator(PostgresOperator):
    def __init__(
        sql: str | Iterable[str],
        my_custom_conn_id: str = 'postgres_default',
        autocommit: bool = False,
        parameters: Iterable | Mapping | None = None,
        database: str | None = None,
        runtime_parameters: Mapping | None = None,
    ) -> None:

You put this operator same directory as your DAG file. and your airflow dags files are like this:


And in the file, you use this custom operator like this:

from custom.my_custom_operator import MyCustomOperator

with DAG(
) as dag:
    t1 = MyCustomOperator(
        sql='select * from table',

In this case, you can add a custom rule file named MyCustomOperator.yaml to tell air2phin what you want to do during the migration

name: MyCustomOperator
description: The configuration for migrating airflow custom operator MyCustomOperator to DolphinScheduler SQL task.

    - action: replace
      src: custom.my_custom_operator.MyCustomOperator
      dest: pydolphinscheduler.tasks.sql.Sql
    - action: replace
      src: task_id
      dest: name
    - action: replace
      src: my_custom_conn_id
      dest: datasource_name

Use Custom Rule

Save the YAML config file to any directory you want, and declare the path when you run the air2phin command:

air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/MyCustomOperator.yaml ~/airflow/dags/

And you can see the new DAG file directory ~/airflow/dags named is created which is the migrated result of

Use Multiple Custom Rules

Air2phin also supports using multiple custom rules in a single migration, and has directory and scatter files due to different files organized.

In Single File and Directory

When all custom rules are in one single file or directory, use single options argument --custom-rules or -r can use them

# single file
air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/MyCustomOperator.yaml ~/airflow/dags/

# single directory
air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/rules/dir ~/airflow/dags/

In Scatter Files or Directories

Sometimes, our rules will be in the different places, and air2phin support the use option argument --custom-rules or -r multiple times in one single migration

# multiple files
air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/MyCustomOperator1.yaml --custom-rules /path/to/MyCustomOperator2.yaml ~/airflow/dags/

# multiple directories
air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/rules/dir1 --custom-rules /path/to/rules/dir2 ~/airflow/dags/

# multiple mixed files and directories
air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/MyCustomOperator1.yaml --custom-rules /path/to/rules/dir1 ~/airflow/dags/

Use Custom Rule Only Without Built-ins

All the above examples using custom rules combine built-in rules and customs, sometimes we just want to apply the custom rule to migrate existing files, just like we apply a patch to our codebase. We can use option argument --custom-only or -R to use custom rules and ignore built-in.

# Only use custom rules and ignore built-in one
air2phin migrate --custom-rules /path/to/MyCustomOperator1.yaml --custom-only ~/airflow/dags/

It is useful when you have lots of files to migrate, if you found some code should change again after the first migration run, but do not want to apply all the rules which cost lots of time, you can try to use this feature.

Use Rule Override

Custom rules provide the ability to override built-in rules. Sometimes we want to override the built-in migrate rules by custom one, we can use the same name as the built-in rule when you specify the custom rule.

For example, we have the build-in rule PythonOperator.yaml, and the content as below:

name: PythonOperator
description: The configuration for migrating Airflow PythonOperator to DolphinScheduler Python task.

    - action: replace
        - airflow.operators.python_operator.PythonOperator
        - airflow.operators.python.PythonOperator
      dest: pydolphinscheduler.tasks.python.Python
    - action: replace
      src: task_id
      dest: name
    - action: replace
      src: python_callable
      dest: definition

If you want to run those python task base on the dolphinscheduler specific environment, the best practice is to use rule override. Create a custom rule with the name CustomPythonOperator.yaml with content

name: PythonOperator
description: The configuration for migrating Airflow PythonOperator to DolphinScheduler Python task.

    - action: replace
        - airflow.operators.python_operator.PythonOperator
        - airflow.operators.python.PythonOperator
      dest: pydolphinscheduler.tasks.python.Python
    - action: replace
      src: task_id
      dest: name
    - action: replace
      src: python_callable
      dest: definition
    - action: add
      arg: environment_name
        type: str
        value: airflow_migrate

We do nothing but add five new lines(Note that the name attribute in CustomPythonOperator.yaml is the same as the value of built-in on in PythonOperator.yaml)

- action: add
  arg: environment_name
    type: str
    value: airflow_migrate

in CustomPythonOperator.yaml to tell air2phin add one new argument name environment_name with default value airflow_migrate, then we can use it by command

air2phin migrate --custom-rules CustomPythonOperator.yaml ~/airflow/dags/

PythonOperator.yaml will be overridden by CustomPythonOperator.yaml due to CustomPythonOperator.yaml have the same name and CustomPythonOperator.yaml is the custom rule.


We use the name attribute in the file content instead of the filename of identification