Getting Started


Air2phin releases are available on PyPI. The easiest way to install Air2phin is via pip, and we highly recommend using the latest version

python -m pip install --upgrade air2phin


The easiest way to use Air2phin is via cli, and you can also use API if you prefer to programming


Standard input

The CLI is the easiest way to use Air2phin, we will take a quick look at the basic usage of the CLI.

# Show all arguments or subcommands of air2phin
air2phin --help

# A simple migration example base on stdin, and will show the migrated result on stdout
# Can add option argument `--diff` to see the diff detail of this migrate
air2phin test "from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

test = BashOperator(
    bash_command='echo 1',

Single File

After running the above command, will get the migrated result shown in stdout. And the most common usage is to migrate an existing Airflow DAG file, which can be done by air2phin migrate command. We have an out of box example:

# Get an example airflow DAG file via terminal

# Run migrate command
air2phin migrate

And the migrated result will in the same directory with the stem suffix -air2phin (by default, also support inplace migrate), in this case, it will be in the current directory.

Multiple Files or Directories

air2phin can not only migrate one single file but also works for multiple files and even the whole directory DAGs file,

# Migrate multiple files
air2phin migrate /PATH/TO/ /PATH/TO/

# Migrate all *.py files in directory
air2phin migrate <DIRECTORY>

# Migrate all *.py file Airflow DAG directory
air2phin migrate ~/airflow/dags

Same as single file, the migrated result is in the same directory as the source file, with stem suffix -air2phin (by default, also support inplace migrate) to marked.

If you want to deep dive into the CLI, please check the CLI section.


Air2phin also provides API to use in your program, all you need to do is import air2phin.runner module and call with_str or with_file based on your input type.

For String

with_file will handle and migrate the input string, and return the migrated string.

from air2phin import runner

code = """from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

test = BashOperator(
    bash_command='echo 1',

migrated = runner.with_str(code)

For File

with_file will handle and migrate the input file, and write the migrated result with addition -ariphin as a stem suffix to the same directory as the input file.

from air2phin import runner

path = "~/airflow/dags/"

migrated = runner.with_file(path)

What’s Next

  • CLI if you want to deep dive into CLI usage

  • Architecture if you want to know Air2phin’s architecture